Laketran News

Laketran Legal Notice: Accepting bids on Painesville Transfer Station construction

Download PDF here:  ADVERTISEMENT_FOR_BIDS_LAKETRAN PAINESVILLE TRANSFER STATION Sealed bids for the following good(s) and/or service(s) will be received by LAKETRAN, 555 Lake Shore Blvd, Painesville Township, Ohio 44077 until the date and time shown: PROJECT NAME:                               LAKETRAN PAINESVILLE TRANSFER STATION at N. SAINT CLAIR STREET OPINION OF PROBABLE COST:       $300,000 COMPLETION DATE:                        NOVEMBER […]

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Laketran to reduce energy consumption by over 50% with skylights

Laketran is continuing to look for more ways to save taxpayers money by implementing Phase III of its energy conservation program.  With the aid of a federal grant, Laketran is installing 60 skylights in its 151,500 sq. ft. bus garage to complement new high efficiency lighting to reduce its dependence on electricity. In Phase I, […]

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Laketran responds to food shortage with FILL THAT BUS food drive

Lake County, OH – With the need for food increasing throughout the community combined with a dramatic decrease in donations to Feed Lake County, United Way of Lake County is partnering with Laketran and City of Willoughby to attempt to Fill-That-Bus at the Earth Day weekend Eco-Fair to increase donations to the nonprofit organization’s annual […]

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Transit agencies having rough ride with unreliable funding for roads, buses

By Devon Turchan, The News-Herald, April 05, 2014 Transportation makes the economy go ’round but funding for the infrastructure on which it relies is increasingly insecure. Each gallon of gas purchased is taxed 18.4 cents, which goes into the Highway Trust Fund that supports repairs to roads and bridges. Those roads and bridges, for 2013, have a […]

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